Saturday, September 20, 2008

The white black men Part 1

My next few blogs are going to be strategic manuals and guides for white men as we move further into this millennium. As white men we need to stay calm and keep our cool. We need to learn to be more plotting and less aggressive. We need to learn to recognize our allies even if they are of the less inferior race. Barack Obama is a prime example. It is common knowledge to those with substantial intelligence that the position of the presidency is really a position of very little power. The real power always has been and continues to be in this country behind the scenes. For that reason we have nothing to worry about if Baraack Obama becomes president. Understand that behind the brown exterior of his complexion lies a serious Caucasoid that does not have any intention of furthering any agenda for the darkies.

First of all understand the Barack Obama is a beloved child of British Intelligence. Here is an excerpt from a site that shows briefly how Barack Obama is no friend to black people and absolutely no threat to white people.

BUSH/CLINTON CRIME SYNDICATE: BARACK OBAMA Extortion-friendly John Harwood of the Wall Street Journal, reports that Senator Barack Obama will run in 2008 but Hillary Clinton will not. Don't be fooled folks, Obama is a stooge and firewall for the Bush Clinton Crime Syndicate. He has been hired to siphon votes from duly elected President Gore's run for re-election in 2008. Harwood talks to Clinton confidante Harold Ickes every day. Note: Obama backed by Chicago Mercantile and Board of Options 9-11 British Company Benex linked to Russian mafia, bankrupt MOSSAD energy company Gazprom and the current Weldon (R. Penn) energy entity Itera.

Also lets remember that Barack Obama is related through bloodline to Dick Cheney and George Bush. Did I mention Brad Pitt and Robert Duvall? In fact Barack may be related to more white people than black. Don't believe me, please check this out.

As time progresses the war becomes more sophisticated and our allies start to take different shapes, sizes and yes EVEN COLORS. As I said before the white mans best friend may no longer be your average white man, but may be our greatest wolf in sheep's clover of all time: THE HOUSE NIGGER/PROFESSIONAL BLACK PERSON. In my future post I will chronicle the past of Barack Obama and how he is a friend to white people on certain levels. However, my next few post will dissect and go more into detail about the WHITE BLACK MEN AND WOMEN and their key organizations. One of those organizations are most influential into promoting uppity niggers to prominent positions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama has to act as friend with white Americans to become the president in this political system, because currently the majority of population is still white.

I think non-white people in the world don't give a shit about white people.