Friday, September 25, 2009

Angry White Man The bigoted past of Ron Paul.

It doesn't matter where you go or for that matter who you support. The rare white man that is passionate about race purity can pop up anywhere. Here is an interesting article about one of Americas darlings. Like I said before there are a lot of champions for the white cause. It doesn't matter if they are white, black, democrat, liberal, conservative, republican or even independent. There are still some patriotic white males that will always stand up for what's right. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The white black men Part 1

My next few blogs are going to be strategic manuals and guides for white men as we move further into this millennium. As white men we need to stay calm and keep our cool. We need to learn to be more plotting and less aggressive. We need to learn to recognize our allies even if they are of the less inferior race. Barack Obama is a prime example. It is common knowledge to those with substantial intelligence that the position of the presidency is really a position of very little power. The real power always has been and continues to be in this country behind the scenes. For that reason we have nothing to worry about if Baraack Obama becomes president. Understand that behind the brown exterior of his complexion lies a serious Caucasoid that does not have any intention of furthering any agenda for the darkies.

First of all understand the Barack Obama is a beloved child of British Intelligence. Here is an excerpt from a site that shows briefly how Barack Obama is no friend to black people and absolutely no threat to white people.

BUSH/CLINTON CRIME SYNDICATE: BARACK OBAMA Extortion-friendly John Harwood of the Wall Street Journal, reports that Senator Barack Obama will run in 2008 but Hillary Clinton will not. Don't be fooled folks, Obama is a stooge and firewall for the Bush Clinton Crime Syndicate. He has been hired to siphon votes from duly elected President Gore's run for re-election in 2008. Harwood talks to Clinton confidante Harold Ickes every day. Note: Obama backed by Chicago Mercantile and Board of Options 9-11 British Company Benex linked to Russian mafia, bankrupt MOSSAD energy company Gazprom and the current Weldon (R. Penn) energy entity Itera.

Also lets remember that Barack Obama is related through bloodline to Dick Cheney and George Bush. Did I mention Brad Pitt and Robert Duvall? In fact Barack may be related to more white people than black. Don't believe me, please check this out.

As time progresses the war becomes more sophisticated and our allies start to take different shapes, sizes and yes EVEN COLORS. As I said before the white mans best friend may no longer be your average white man, but may be our greatest wolf in sheep's clover of all time: THE HOUSE NIGGER/PROFESSIONAL BLACK PERSON. In my future post I will chronicle the past of Barack Obama and how he is a friend to white people on certain levels. However, my next few post will dissect and go more into detail about the WHITE BLACK MEN AND WOMEN and their key organizations. One of those organizations are most influential into promoting uppity niggers to prominent positions.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I am not the only one

Well it has been a while since my last post, however I am back and ready with a full arsenal of truths to show that the white man is fast becoming an endangered species. I have recieved a few comments from people calling me racist and a little crazy. So for all of these detractors, this post is for you. I encourage you to please follow on a journey here. My upcoming post will touch on such topics as the movie the Incredibles, how Bush stole the election and many, many more.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Putting things in perspective

This isn't good. The spirit of George Wallace is dying very rapidly.

Uncle Tom: White peoples best friend

The best friend of white people may be not even be white. That's right. If you think about it, the most influential people to the cause of a pure America has been and still is today the BLACK MAN. Better known as the Uncle Tom or Coon. In the 60's when blacks were tearing down the cities of America in the name of "Revolution" the most powerful agents to counter such destruction has been the black male double agents. With such violent uprisings and rioting committed by the masses of black men, it was clear that such human savagery was the result of the frequent speeches and actions of the many Black nationalist groups and organizations. The most crucial force to subverting these organizations was undoubtedly the black man double agent otherwise known as a spy or snitch. It was these uncle toms that contributed to the downfall of the Black Panther Party, UNIA(Marcus Garvey), NUWABIAN NATION and many more. The notion of black men being white peoples best friend came when browsing over this piece of information. Although I am not familiar with the author who wrote the article, it turns out that the article is in response to another article that a black man wrote detailing just how savage black youth are in a variety of different ways. And surprisingly the views held by the Uncle Tom paralled my own views in a number of ways.

The Uncle Tom has in modern day times proven to be a very affective and surprisingly loyal patriot to the cause of a minority less America. An example of this is the excessive amount of money that black people spend on literally EVERYTHING. The most blatant example of the Uncle Tom is noticeable in all the hippitty hop music. Rappers for some idiotic reason seem to mention and throw their money away on every single brand name that caters to their carnal and primitive desires. Not only do they excessively flaunt their money and teach everyone else how to be stupid, but they also seem to be the PIONEERS in dumbing down the nation. And black men seem to do all this and still don't have an ounce of ownership in anything. It is music to my ears to know that my fellow American TED TURNER owns the same amount of land as ALL BLACK PEOPLE PUT TOGETHER. However, this isn't a sign to get complacent and comfortable. Black people especially black men have to continuously be surveiled and guarded against because of the massive influence that rap music seems to emanate. And there also seems to be a tight underground network of so called African American scholars that have decided to give their lives to the ridiculous uplifting of the African culture. It is very crucial in this day and time to learn valuable lessons and extraordinary dedication like so many before us. Perfect examples of such patriotism are J. Edgar Hoover and Lyndon Johnson(who so quietly) took part in getting rid of phony liberals like JFK.

Sunday, August 01, 2004


It has been brought to my attention that this blog has offended a lot of readers in the blog community. So as a result of the feedback I must add this disclaimer. The views expressed in this particular blog are not necessarily maintained by this author. This blog was put together based on past conversations, dialogue, arguments and overall genuine(believe it or not) opinions on a specific race. In this instance the WHITE RACE. This is not an attempt to recruit, influence, advertise or market any propaganda or information to committ any acts of VIOLENCE OR TERRORISM. If this writing is in any act in violation of the recent PATRIOT ACT OR ANY OTHER ACT then this author officially posts this disclaimer as an apology as well as a declaration of intent to express himself and not endorse any criminal activity. Any further additions to this blog will be as a result from more interviews and dialogue conducted by this author for research and learning purposes STRICTLY. This blog is meant to serve as a referral for the current state of affairs in america based on the differences that exist between ALL TYPES OF HUMAN BEINGS. This exclusively but not conclusively includes WHITE MEN.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Phase One: Artificial Intelligence

Ok, in order to totally get rid of all darkies, chinks, kikes, spics, and towel heads its time for ALL white men to be on the same page. The problem at hand is that white men are at a huge disadvantage number wise. I estimate that there are at least 6 billion people on the planet. Out of those 6 billion, I would say that approximately 9/10ths of those people are so called people of color. That would leave about 600 million Europeans world wide. FUCK! How the hell are white men going to survive with those odds. I see I have to be extremely COLD, METHODICAL AND RUTHLESS. The advantages that I have are MONEY, WEALTH, AND POWER. With the control of all the resources we already have mastered BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL AND GERM WARFARE. We have already killed a large number of MUD-BLOODS through AIDS, FOOD AND ALTERING THE ENVIRONMENT. Yet, after all of this, these damn minorities keep on having baby after baby. They have these babies out of wedlock and out of poverty but still manage to stay alive and increase in number. Since control of all the resources isn't enough to stop HIJACKING of AMERICA, the first phase of this WAR to make the world pure is to increase our numbers.


A big portion of phase one is understanding the progress of the HUMAN GENOME PROJECT. Us white people are at a serious disadvantage because we can't produce(for whatever reason) at as quick a rate as any other minority group such as darkies, chinks and spics. In order to survive and compete against such a number disadvantage, we have to seriously enhance our bodies and rely heavily on machines. I have a feeling that many of my fellow caucasion brothers are along the same path as I am. Telling from all the movies, the feeling of survival amongst white men is growing. I have to make a note to study the most relevant movies that supply good armor to the protection of the caucasion race. The most notable movies being The TERMINATOR TRILOGY, THE MATRIX TRILOGY, THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU, MULTIPLICITY, GOD SEND, THE MINORITY REPORT, PREDATORS 1&2, ALIEN SERIES, A:Iand INDEPENDENCE DAY. There are scores of other movies but these would be excellent study materials to begin phase one of the take back of america. Also I have to make sure to keep up with all the cloning laws in california as well as New Jersey. California is the primary state lobbying for cloning laws to be added to CONSTITUTION. This will greatly increase the number of white males drastically if cloning becomes legal. Since we control all the resources, we will have more then enough access and capital to all the upcoming cloning capabilities.