Friday, July 16, 2004

Phase One: Artificial Intelligence

Ok, in order to totally get rid of all darkies, chinks, kikes, spics, and towel heads its time for ALL white men to be on the same page. The problem at hand is that white men are at a huge disadvantage number wise. I estimate that there are at least 6 billion people on the planet. Out of those 6 billion, I would say that approximately 9/10ths of those people are so called people of color. That would leave about 600 million Europeans world wide. FUCK! How the hell are white men going to survive with those odds. I see I have to be extremely COLD, METHODICAL AND RUTHLESS. The advantages that I have are MONEY, WEALTH, AND POWER. With the control of all the resources we already have mastered BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL AND GERM WARFARE. We have already killed a large number of MUD-BLOODS through AIDS, FOOD AND ALTERING THE ENVIRONMENT. Yet, after all of this, these damn minorities keep on having baby after baby. They have these babies out of wedlock and out of poverty but still manage to stay alive and increase in number. Since control of all the resources isn't enough to stop HIJACKING of AMERICA, the first phase of this WAR to make the world pure is to increase our numbers.


A big portion of phase one is understanding the progress of the HUMAN GENOME PROJECT. Us white people are at a serious disadvantage because we can't produce(for whatever reason) at as quick a rate as any other minority group such as darkies, chinks and spics. In order to survive and compete against such a number disadvantage, we have to seriously enhance our bodies and rely heavily on machines. I have a feeling that many of my fellow caucasion brothers are along the same path as I am. Telling from all the movies, the feeling of survival amongst white men is growing. I have to make a note to study the most relevant movies that supply good armor to the protection of the caucasion race. The most notable movies being The TERMINATOR TRILOGY, THE MATRIX TRILOGY, THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU, MULTIPLICITY, GOD SEND, THE MINORITY REPORT, PREDATORS 1&2, ALIEN SERIES, A:Iand INDEPENDENCE DAY. There are scores of other movies but these would be excellent study materials to begin phase one of the take back of america. Also I have to make sure to keep up with all the cloning laws in california as well as New Jersey. California is the primary state lobbying for cloning laws to be added to CONSTITUTION. This will greatly increase the number of white males drastically if cloning becomes legal. Since we control all the resources, we will have more then enough access and capital to all the upcoming cloning capabilities.


Anonymous said...

Well done!
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Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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Anonymous said...

Well done! |

Axle505 said...

Cloning White Men by R. C. Lulay

An interesting treatment of the subject!